Apache server for webdemo in doc


I want to run the poppy webdemo using the browser. I am following the steps described in DocPoppy-med.pdf (page 5).

– I sucessfully connected myself to the odroid via ssh. I also use a screen directly.
– I ran all the updates as described (curl -kL https://raw…)
– I had to force this (-k) because the odroid did not have the right certificate.
– But I cannot get the web interface (~/Development/poppy-odroid/demo/webdemo/static/start-up.html) using http with the right IP and port 6666 under Firefox.
– The odroid has no ~/Development forder. (as you can see, I am a mac person).
– where can I get it installed ?
– is Apache running properly ? apachectl seems fine.

Thanks for your help !


Where did you find this doc ? I would like to have a look at it.

This webdemo is a pretty old thing if I remember. You can have a look at https://github.com/poppy-project/poppy-monitor (or even at my version https://github.com/HumaRobotics/poppy-monitor )

What hardware do you have?

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Thanks for your answer.
I will tell you where I found “DocPoppy-med.pdf” when I will remember it. :smile:

I have been trying to run your poppy-monitor on my Odroid.
– What is the difference between bumblebeefr/poppy-monitor and HumaRobotics/poppy-monitor ? It is not the same doc.
– I could eventually run the apache server on the Odroid. ‘poppy.local’ gives me the expected window with the robot. But I cannot connect to it. The installation must be wrong.
– The command “poppy-services” does not exist. Where should I run this ? In the terminal ? How and where should I delcare it ?
– I ran, as admin (sudo), the “curl” command you advice in the README.md. But I probably get an error :
error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: permission denied
– should I really put “/var/www/poppy_webapps” or “/etc/…” ?

I installed python libraries such as numpy, scypy, pypot, pyserial just in case. It is needed.

Thank you for you help !!

It was on this post

Hello !

I am still trying to configure the apache server properly.
In order to use poppy-monitor on a Odroid board.
I can get it work until I get the “Monitoring Poppy” page on “poppy.local”. But I cannot get it actually connected to the robot: there are no motors on the image of the robot and the red magnet shows it is disconnected.
Is there a documentation where I could find out how to configure “poppy-monitor” properly ?

Thank you for your help !

You have to start HTTP REST API first. You can do that with this command in the robot shell:

poppy-services --http poppy-humanoid

Thank you Theo !

“poppy-services” does not exist.
– I think the USB2serial drivers are installed by default on the Odroid’s Ubuntu. How could I make sure it is truely installed ?
– The pypot library is installed. I can import it from python 2.7.

How and where can I declare “poppy-service” ?

I have the feeling the init sh file provided with the distribution on the Odroid is not completely right. I am not sure.

Thanks !

poppy-service is normally installed with the poppy-creature library. Can you check that poppy-creature is correctly installed (import poppy.creatures in Python?). Did you do your installation with poppy_install (I guess as you speak of a curl command…)?

You can also have a look at the file /var/log/apache2/error.log, it will tell you if there where any error message issued by the web app.

By the way, my poppy-monitor is still under debug and development, I just pushed a few modifs that were pendings…

Ohh thank you for the information. I know it is under development. No worry.
I now installed poppy-creature from github too.

With "from poppy.creatures import PoppyHumanoid"
I can import poppy.creatures in python. But it does not know “PoppyHumanoid”.

When you talk about “poppy_install”, do you mean “poppy_setup.sh” at the HOME of odroid ? I indeed ran this shell before everything. I also ran it after having installed all these python libs (pypot, poppy-creature, numpy, scipy, poppy-monitor, pyserial) just in case. All of them are installed.

If you use a poppy-humanoid, you have to install poppy-humanoid. It’s the only install to do because all the orthers are depenancies of this one.

It finally works !! Thank you VERY much !
I indeed needed to install “poppy-humanoid”. This should be explained in the readme of poppy-monitor.

The shell script for installation provided on the Odroid board (“poppy_install”?), did not install “poppy-humanoid”.
“poppy.local” now allows me to do basic controls and a quick and urgent (too late) demo.

Thank you all again for your help.

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