How ergojr can jump

How cErgoJr can jump?

At this page

from poppy.creatures import PoppyErgoJr
jr = PoppyErgoJr()


but it gives me an error Robot has no jump attribute

Same problem here. Thanks.

We remove the attach jump primitive on the file, that’s why the jump attribute is not present anymore from the Robot interface.
We remove it because the jump was made by @Pierre with an old version of Ergo Jr with a smaller disk plate. In the Jump primitive, we change the PID to be more nervous but it can also makes your robot oscillate, which can frighten users !

Even if it is not possible to jump with the large wood disk plate, you can try it (at your own risk)

from poppy_ergo_jr import PoppyErgoJr
from poppy_ergo_jr.primitives.jump import Jump
jr = PoppyErgoJr()
jr.attach_primitive(Jump(jr), 'jump')