How to get the Poppy Humanoid sources files

The whole sources of Poppy Humanoid are hosted on GitHub, both for software and hardware.

Quick links:


###Download the latest version:

For advanced user and contributors:

If you want to easily track updates and/or want to contribute, you should use Git and clone/fork the poppy humanoid repository available on GitHub. Take a look at the GitHub documentation for more information.

Command line

git clone --recursive

Using SourceTree:


the Solidworks files linked in the previous post are the beta version,
and thank’s to this link, I’m able to open the beta assembly under SWks
Now, to check my sculpteo freshly received parts, I tried to download the V1 assembly from
but the linked seems broken between assembly files and parts,
I’m new to Solidworks, and don’t know how to mix beta parts with V1.0 updated parts,
Is there something I can do to fix this ?

I updated the first post with new links and procedure for Poppy Humanoid 1.0

We use some advanced git tricks and each part of the robot is an independent module, and the poppy-humanoid repository include these several modules. It’s why there are folders with in the name @(r4nd0m):

If you click on it, you will redirected to another repository.

The conclusion is either you download the last Solidworks zip in the release or you have to clone recursively each submodule to have the whole Solidworks assembly. Both are explained in the first post.

Hello @Matthieu

I’m working on CATIA and I would like to know if you can export the 3D parts and the assembly in a 3DXML file, I have some problems importing the SlolidWorks files.Thanks.

There are STEP files if you want but if it is not enough I will create a 3DXML ASAP.

Yes it would be nice if you can share a 3DXML file. Thanks

Can you try if it works as you expect ?

Can you export it “with authoring” mode? The format of current file is “for review” so I can only view the parts but I can not modify them or make an assembly.

I do not have such option when I save it.

Where did you find the “with authoring mode” option ?

There is a plugin to do that but it is 2500€ …

Ok, I see that is not as easy as I hoped. I thought SolidWorks and CATIA files were completely compatible, but I realize that that is not the case. Even though, I began to work with your 3DXL file. Thank you.