HowTo: Connect pypot to your simulated version of a Poppy humanoid in V-REP

I tried to connect to v-rep. So I followed your tutorial. I built the poppy_config.json file. Then, I use your script :

import json
with open('poppy_config.json') as f:
    poppy_config = json.load(f)
from pypot.vrep import from_vrep
scene_path = 'C:\\users\\julien\\documents\\travail\\poppy\\poppy-standing2.ttt'
poppy = from_vrep(poppy_config, '', 19997, scene_path)

Poppy_standing appears in V-Rep but just after pypot returns an error message

I made test out of pypot to connect to V-rep and I have no problem with function SimxStart or simxGetObject on poppy scene.

Could you help me to understand what is wrong with ?