Poppy walks! (if you show it how to)

I offer, not one, but two ways of creating walking movements/poses for a Poppy Humanoid robot (special mention to you @droy) .

The first one (walk/nearest-neighboor) was initially a test of move record/replay. Then I created my own primitive to implement a nearest neighboor search to adapt the walk to the last positions of the robot.

The second one (smart-compliance) allows you to work directly on the robot and put it in the pose you want while it adapt its compliance. Save all walking poses, then play them in a cycle.eh pose you want while it adapt its compliance. Save all walking poses, then play them in a cycle.

None of the walks are balanced, hold your robot to avoid it falling.

Code is available at https://github.com/HumaRobotics/poppy-examples .

Tell me if you have problems or improvement ideas.


video ! video ! :smile:


@Manon @Thot

I just pushed matlab code I had to generate the legs’ joint trajectories. The obtain behavior is used in the video where Poppy is walking.

If you do something like this:

[q_r, q_l] = human_walking_gait()

You will obtain joint position over time for hip_y, knee_y, and ankle_y for both right and left leg.

I have plenty of scripts also for the kinematics. I have to check if they are relevant.

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