Quickstart assembly and programming (plus some code examples)

While building my Poppy Humanoid robot, I made some code to train myself with the Poppy tools.

I did one tool to create a configuration file for a unfinished Poppy Humanoid robot and another to easily change the robot compliance to save poses (the saving poses part is still to do). Both are based on a Python webserver.

I didn’t want to mess up with the Poppy git, so I created my own repo: https://github.com/HumaRobotics/poppy-examples , but don’t hesitate to fork it or to tell me how to better integrate it into the Poppy project.

I’m waiting for your remarks about bugs or ameliorations !


In the default installation of Poppy we use Apache webserver to this kind of interfaces.
At the end we want to have the possibility to add this kind of interface easily on Poppy. At this point we only have a web app for the wifi management but you could try to use our config with your webapp…

@Nicolas My webapp should be usable with your config, some hard-coded links to change… I don’t use the Odroid yet but I will do my best to integrate in your setup.

I just added an assembly doc that contains answers to all the little questions I had during assembly of my Poppy Humanoid (I didn’t do the head yet), a bit of context, some tips, links to all the assembly guide pages in the same place…


Ok, Good news, your doc is really good, it will help many people!

Once it is completed for the head and validated by some people who are building their Poppy Humanoid, I will try to find some time to translate it into French.

Added the possibility to save positions and go to positions in the puppet_master webservice.

It remain very basic and stores the position as move json files, with a name field.

Remarks still welcome !

Software starting guide online ! Heavily inspired from existing tutos, but may help newcomers to find the tuto they are looking for.

Link is always the same, remarks still welcome (translation may come when this english version has proved useful).

Head assembly instructions in the assembly doc!

I had to mount then remove stuff several times before finding the right assembly order, so this doc may really be useful! I would appreciate if people from Inria or people having assembled their Poppy Humanoid themselves could review it.

I don’t put the link, you have it.

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@Manon, I would like to merge your documentation in the main repository.

I’m considering converting it as markdown file so it can fit with the current documentation. I would like also to keep a pdf version so it can be printed.

Your opinion ?

No problem.

It would be nice to have something like ‘original documentation by Manon Cortial from Generation Robots’ (with a link to http://www.generationrobots.com/fr/279-poppy-plateforme-robotique-opensource) as a reward for my efforts… :slight_smile:

yep I will also keep the commits (git-master I am :wink: )

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I have included all commits you have made for the documentation in the Poppy Humanoid repo and opened a pull request for the integration of all you work.

For whose wanting to work on this integration, use the branch PR_Manon_Documentation

Motor scanning ipython notebook !

0- clone or pull poppy-example inside your robot

1- launch the notebook server inside your robot:

ipython notebook --ip --no-mathjax --no-browser

(how to do this by default in an upcomming advanced doc…)

2- in your browser, open poppy.local:8888
Then go to poppy-example and open motor_scan.ipynb
There you can check that all your motors are correctly connected.