Real-time control of a prosthetic robotic arm POPPY with muscle activities


As an internship student in Flowers Team, I am about to continue these works, and I have a few questions about this project.

Firstly, is the inverse kinematics process controlling the prosthetic prototype limited to the three DoF it shares with the “regular” Poppy arm, i.e.

  • q0 > r_shoulder_y
  • q1 > r_shoulder_x
  • q2 > r_elbow_y

Indeed, only these three motors’ angles are mentioned in the control interface, and the wrist’s DoF appear as the “Wrist” slider and the “Open/Close Gripper” checkbox.

This observation leads to my second question: among the nine motors, which ones are effectively used, and how?

I guess that is about r_arm_z, fixed at a null angle in the video demo. and that answers the question about the arm’s motors. However, when it comes to the wrist’s motors, we can see in the demo that some of them are used to keep the gripper and the glass horizontal. Is this feature integrated after the inverse kinematics process, based on the three arm angles previously computed?

Thanks in advance,