Wiki techno for the Poppy project?

The current wiki is based on Jekyll and hosted by github. The edition can be done using or directly with the github editor.
A lot of hope has been put on the prose editor but actually it is more and more buggy. Eventually we give up the update of our wiki.

Here two novel technos I saw on the meta discourse forum:

Django wiki

An alternative solution could be the use of django-wiki.

A wiki system with complex functionality for simple integration and a superb interface. Store your knowledge with style: Use django models.

The project looks active and promissing. The interface is simple and complete and the edition is done using markdown syntax.

They have an example wiki:


If you want to try:

pip install django south django-mptt django_nyt sorl-thumbnail django-sekizai six markdown
git clone
cd django-wiki/testproject/
python runserver


It seems a bit more geeky but looks nice and simple static wiki based on node.js. I did not test it yet but why not:
Here is the live demo

Raneto is a Knowledgebase platform for Node.js that uses static Markdown files to power the knowledgebase.

Raneto can be called a “static site generator” of sorts as it doesn’t require a database. All of your content is stored in the content folder in Markdown (.md) files and the entire knowledgebase structure and content is generated by Raneto. This is good because it’s:

  • Simple: You can create and manage an entire knowledge base using your favorite text editor
  • Flat: Raneto is a “flat file” CMS, meaning no database woe’s, no MySQL queries, nothing
  • Fast: Raneto is seriously lightweight and doesn’t use a database, making it super fast

Raneto also features:

  • Mustache for easy templating
  • Responsive default template (powered by Bootstrap)
  • Highlight.js code syntax highlighting
  • Full-text search powered by Lunr
  • GitHub Flavored Markdown

An example to look at is the (simple but apparently working) wiki for the IGEM open biology project:

Another possibility:

used by the Thymio web site:



There are so many wiki engines…

I think one important feature is the management of multi-language content and actually it is pretty rare.
Arduino do it with PMwiki, I just tried Tikiwiki and it looks good.

Very interesting wiki tool:

Does it handle the multi-language content ?

There appears to be plugins for multi language, e.g.!topic/tiddlywiki/W7mMa13-40c

Redmine has also an integrated wiki with multi language support:

Does anyone can explore a bit the Tiddlywiki and Redmine solutions ?
By exploring, I mean, installing and have a first overview of the admin panel, ease of use and limitations.

Too many wiki engines, you can make a rough filter here but I didn’t find any multi-language criterion.

This one seems to do that properly but I don’t know if it’s still alive:

After a year of looking for a great wiki. Maybe it is time to accept that we have to use Mediawiki …

I look for bootstrap theme so it could be less ugly and found this:

EDIT: Other theme


The advantage is that many potential users will be familiar with it.
Also, taking a more traditional look and feel like the one on the github link might allow people to see it is their familiar wiki.

The Gazebo documentation is nice also:

It is based on editable markdown files on their bitbucket repository. I do not know how they generate the HTML from these files.

A wiki that could be cloned using git would be good for community too

I use to backup my dokuwiki base that way it works fine …

Do you know how works the raspberry pi one ?

The content is hosted on github and seems pretty well adapted to our current way to create documentation and tutorial (i.e. directly included in the creature repository)

As Jekyll, Octopress or Awestruct, the goal of HubPress is to build static content on Github Pages.

These tools are really great, but we wanted to provide a tool that is more user-friendly and accessible for the average person. Another reason is because we love the Asciidoc markup and we wanted a way to contribute to its development.

That’s why we made HubPress.

With the usual tools building a blog on Github Pages requires a decent amount of technical knowledge (you need to know git, to install ruby, to learn a build process …​).

To provide a better user experience, we made a web interface based on Asciidoctor with the javascript version.

With HubPress all you need is an internet connection and a GitHub account, that’s it!


I’m pretty sure that Dokuwiki could fit your needs :

  • It doesn’t need any DB
  • All pages are simple .txt file so it can be easy to integrate theme in github
  • pretty simple to deploy and to maintain ( a simple web server with php)

I can imagine a webserver hosting dokuwiki that can git pull automatically the doc in the repository and, in the other way, you update your doc via dokuwiki and the specific pages can be git pushed in the repository.

Some DW plugins exist already to automate this kind of things :

I’ve also found someone who tried to use this king of solution for documentation (DW + GH) :


Note org-mode is pretty cool too , you can even design schematic in ascii art and they will be compiled to images (using graphviz) …

Did we talk about having the wiki on github? (to host the documentation about each creature instead of readme file)

It could be a short term solution but I would prefer to do exaclty like raspberry.

I tried to find how they manage do it yesterday…
It seems, it interacts with a wordpress but still render HTML from markdown file hosted on github… So it is very close to our environnement.

I opened a request on their forum and someone point out this which is a PHP markdown to HTML parser… yet on their github they use ruby to generate the HTML so I’m not sure parsedown is the actual techno they use.