Raspberry Pi and Robotis OpenCM9.04 wonders

ENGLISH VERSION (baguette one below)

Hello everyone,

I would like then to keep a RaspberryPi 0 - OpenCM9.04 lit 24/7, in a cat feeding machine. I would need to turn a wheel once in a while via Dynamixel XL320, to drop some croquettes.

Is automatically downloading an entire sketch from the RPi0 to the OpenCM9.04 feasible? Looks like there is no ARM support for OpenCM IDE, yet I believe some managed to do it?
https://github.com/robotis-pandora/ROBOTIS-OpenCM bit lost about it

I embraced the idea of transmitting a whole sketch as it would be simpler than running a USBserial polling sketch on the Robotis board.
But maybe the latter is the best solution (assuming the program could be written in the OpenCM9.04 flash and survive power off/on)?

Thanks for your help!


Je voudrais piloter un xl320 depuis un RaspberryPi0 via OpenCM04C

La question qui tue : est ce qu’on peut faire tourner OpenCM IDE de robotis sur le raspberry? :blush:
Mon but est d’avoir un système up en permanence, et d’envoyer des commandes automatiques de temps en temps : possible de “dowloader” des sketches" à la volée en automatique?

ou mieux vaut un loop sur le opencm qui récupère des packets en serialUSB? Mais est-ce que programmer la flash de l’OpenCM9.04 définitivement est seulement faisable?

Merci de votre écoute!